Phone : (0243160976/0207387720)

Opening Hours : Monday To Saturday - 8AM TO 8PM


About Us

Welcome To MSI Water-Link.

Welcome To MSI Water-Link.

MSI Water-link is established as a utility company that supplies safe,
clean, and potable water to households and business entities. The
business extends local community water supply from the traditional
community-based central waterdistribution system to a household
water supply system. We seek to capture the rural folks who are often
neglected by the national water distribution company. Our business
operation involves drilling deep boreholes, providing gravitational
storage, distributing through pipes, and assigning meters to measure
usage by consumers.


We provide low-cost, clean and safe potable water to households to fulfil their universal right to clean and safe water, eradicate waterborne diseases through consumption, and promote healthy life and vitality amongst people.

To be the leading brand name that offers value for least cost in local community household water supply in Ghana by 2040.

  • Safety: we understand water means life and we are what we eat/drink. Therefore, the safety of water distributed to our clients would under no circumstance be compromised.

  • Reliability: we also understand that water is an essential life requirement. We, therefore, ensure that there is always a continuous flow of water through our pipes to the household tap, where it is needed.

  • Value: we seek to offer cost-leadership and provide value for money.
  • Drilling, storage and supply of water to rural and urban communities in Ghana.

  • Rural and urban water sector planning and development.

  • Investment planning.

  • Sector financial management.

  • Contracting out the design, construction, rehabilitation and expansion of existing as well as new water supply infrastructure.

  • Assets Management.

Our Video History

Our Journey so far.


Our Exhort Happy Clients say !

What our clients say about us.

Business Partners

Our trusted business partners.