Phone : (0243160976/0207387720)
Opening Hours : Monday To Saturday - 8AM TO 8PM
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MSI Water-Link carries out both proactive and reactive maintenance. This makes it possible to solve all expected and unexpected failures that are bound to occur even in the best-maintained system.
The purpose of MSI Water-Link is to provide an adequate and reliable supply of clean and safe water to its users. Operation and maintenance are those activities needed to continuously fulfil this purpose. Operation involves activities necessary to deliver the service, while maintenance involves activities that keep the system in good operating condition.
We endeavour to repair leakages or bursts to pipelines from time of reporting or identification within the following periods:
1. service lines before customer meters, within twenty-four (24) hours.
2. distribution lines of 2” – 6” diameter within twenty four 24 hours.
3. minor pipe leakages on transmission lines of 8” – 16” diameter within twenty-four (24) hours.
4. major leakages on transmission lines of 8” – 16” diameter within forty-eight (48) hours.
5. minor leakages on transmission lines greater than 16” diameter within forty-eight (48) hours.
6. major leakages on transmission lines greater than 16” diameter within seventy-two (72) hours.
MSI Water-Link is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the meter, and for recording the relevant information to ensure you are charged correctly. If you identify a problem with the meter itself, you should notify MSI Water-Link and we will inspect the meter. If there is fault in the meter, immediate repair has to be done or a new replacement has to be made.
Customers are not expected to make any alteration whatsoever to meters even if they are sure of any fault.
You can contact MSI Water-Link on 0243160976/0207387720 or for all maintenance services.